Filing for a Protective Order in Maryland

If you need assistance in filing for a protective order in Maryland, we can help you explore your legal options. Maryland Domestic Violence Attorney, LaSheena Williams, discusses what you need to know about filing for a protective order in Maryland District Court or Circuit Court.

Thank you for joining me today my name is LaSheena Williams and I am a Maryland family law attorney. My firm helps our clients take control of out of control domestic situations. Today we will be discussing where you should file for protective order in Maryland.

Filing for a Protective Order in Maryland

In Maryland you have the option of filing for protective order 24 hours a day seven days a week. You also have the option of filing in district court or circuit court. The issue is whether you should file in district court or circuit court.

Why You May Want to File in District Court

You may want to file in district court if you’re not sure your protective order will be granted on your first try. What that means is if you lose your trial in district court, you have another bite at the apple by filing for a de novo hearing in circuit court for a brand new circuit court judge.

Why You May Want to File in Circuit Court

You may want to file in circuit court if you already have a circuit court domestic related matter pending in court. You may have a custody case pending or divorce pending and if that’s the case the court can consolidate your protective order into your main case so that the judge can see your entire jacket and your family history with the legal system to better address your concerns. Keep in mind if you do have an open case pending that’s domestic in circuit court the court may automatically transfer jurisdiction for your protective order to circuit court. You should speak with an attorney if you’re not sure which court option is the best for you. An attorney can help guide you with the strategy for picking circuit or district court and they will look at your case and figure out the best option for you and your family. If you have any questions about where to file for protective order in Maryland please feel free to subscribe to our channel for future updates. Please also give us a call at 301 778-9950 to speak with an attorney today.

Please also feel free to give us a call if you have any questions at all at (301) 778-9950 to speak with an attorney today.

Check Out Our Related Domestic Violence Blog Posts:

◾ Holiday Blues: Handling False Allegations of Domestic Violence in Maryland |

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◾  When Divorce, Protective Orders, and Criminal Charges Collide in Maryland  |

◾ Protect Yourself: Defend Against a False Protective Order in Maryland  |

Contact the Law Office of LaSheena Williams today to learn more about how we can help support you with your Maryland Petition for a Final Protective Order.