What is Maryland Supervised Visitation in Prince George’s County, Maryland and Montgomery County, Maryland?
Maryland supervised visitation provides for a structured setting in which the non-custodial parent can uphold their parental rights and maintain access with their children. Maryland supervised visitation occurs in the presence of a neutral third-party or at a site that facilitates visitation and monitors parents exchanges without the risk of conflict. Supervised visitation is not in place to punish a non-custodial parent, rather it is used as a way to help foster parent-child relationships in a structured setting that can be monitored by staff who may intervene to ensure appropriate parent and child interactions.
Many parents in the process of separating or divorcing may find it necessary to seek and arrange Maryland monitored child access in situations where the parents are unable to interact with each other without conflict, or where the primary custodian has concerns regarding their personal safety or the safety of the minor children. In high-conflict custody cases, the Circuit Court may decide that it is in the children’s best interest to maintain a supervised visitation schedule, temporarily or indefinitely.
What types of Maryland supervised visitation programs are available in Montgomery County, Maryland and Prince George’s County, Maryland?
According to the Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts, facilitated visitation programs offer a variety of services:
- One-to-one supervision (one supervisor assigned to a single family)
- Monitored exchanges (supervision of a child’s transitions from the custody of the residential parent to visits with the nonresidential parent immediately before and after unsupervised visitation)
- Group supervision (supervision of several families at a time)
- Telephone monitoring (monitoring phone calls from the nonresidential parent to the child)
- Ancillary services, such as parent education
- Therapeutic supervision (mental health professionals providing therapy/counseling
to the family during the visit)
When is Supervised Visitation in Maryland Reasonable?
A Montgomery County Circuit Court judge or Prince George’s County Circuit Court judge, may find it necessary to order monitored exchanges or third-party monitored child access, in situations under a number of circumstances. Maryland supervised visitation may be ordered when the non-custodial parent:
- Fails to maintain a stable primary residence
- Lacks the necessary parenting skills to maintain the children’s safety
- Has a drug or alcohol abuse problem
- Is physically, mentally, or verbally abusive to the minor children
- Frequently exhibits violent, impulsive, or irrational behavior
- Has a history of sexual abuse towards minor children
- Has a history of fleeing with the minor children
Contact An Experienced Maryland Child Custody and Visitation Attorney for your Montgomery County, Maryland and Prince George’s County, Maryland
At the Law Office of LaSheena M. Williams, you can consult with a Maryland child custody attorney that can help you reach a practical and enforceable child custody and access agreement or modify a child custody agreement that no longer works for you and your family. If an agreement can’t be reached, we will advocate for your rights in court so that we can reach a favorable result for you and your children. Contact the Law Office of LaSheena M. Williams today, to discuss your family’s needs and to address any concerns or questions you may have regarding Maryland supervised visitation today.
You can reach our office at (301) 778 – 9950 or by completing an online request for a consultation.